Succulents are known for their bright, gem colors and spunky shapes. The variety of diverse options provides opportunity for a unique plant collection with any color succulent you can dream of, but yellow succulents are some of the very best.

We all know plants tend to come in various shades of green, but you can find a succulent in whatever color you are in the mood for. Yellow is the perfect shade for brightening your collection and adding a little cheery character to your home or garden. These ten astonishing yellow succulents make great additions to any sunroom, plant wall, fairy garden, or backyard oasis.
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- Campfire Plant (Crassula Capitella)
- Sticks on Fire (Euphorbia Tirucalli)
- Golden Toothed Aloe (Aloe Nobilis)
- Coppertone Sedum (Sedum Nussbaumerianum)
- Tokyo Sun (Sedum Japonicum)
- Gold Bug (Sempervivum heuffelii)
- Japanese Golden Sedum (Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’)
- Teddy Bear (Kalanchoe Tomentosa)
- Sunset Jade (Crassula Ovata)
- Paddle Plant (Kalanchoe Luciae)
- Golden Barrel Cactus - Echinocactus grusonii
- Gold Nugget Semipervivum
- Lady Fingers - Mammillaria elongata
- 'Rum Runner' - Agave isthmensis
- Sedum Acre ‘Gold Moss’
- Weihenstephaner Gold sedum - Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum
- Crested Golden Maria - Echeveria agavoides
- Fine Gold Leaf Stonecrop - Sedum hybrid
- Golden Haworthia - Haworthia cymbiformis ssp. “gold”
- Golden Ball Cactus - Parodia leninghausii
- Angelina Stonecrop - Sedum Rupestre
- Hummel’s Sunset Golden Jade - Crassula Ovata sp.
- Golden creeping sedum - Sedum kamtschaticum
- What Are The Best Yellow Succulents?
Campfire Plant (Crassula Capitella)

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These warm succulents feature fleshy leaves and a lovely rosebud shape. They can grow almost up to a foot tall and they spread two to three feet wide. When they are happy, they bloom with white flowers, making Crassula capitella a gorgeous and cheery plant to keep!
Sticks on Fire (Euphorbia Tirucalli)
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This vivid plant resembles sea coral and is known for its distinctive appearance of a plant made of fire sticks, or a bunch of lit matchsticks suspended in fire. Euphorbia tirucalli plants can grow up to 8 feet tall and they tend to be 3-10 feet wide. In the winter months, they take on more of a vivid red color, but in the warmer seasons the yellow is unstoppable. Sticks on fire also flower with yellow blooms.
Golden Toothed Aloe (Aloe Nobilis)
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These beauties are a nice spin on the traditional aloe plant because with ample sunlight, the tips of their spikey leaves burn a beautiful shade of yellow/orange. Aloe noblis unique because they still retain some of that green color as well, so they are a multicolor work of art. These plants also produce nectar which attracts hummingbirds, a wonderful addition to your garden or porch!
Coppertone Sedum (Sedum Nussbaumerianum)
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This Sedum shows its brilliant yellow when fully exposed to sunlight. Sedum nussbaumerianum is a smaller plant, growing up to 8 inches tall and two inch wide rosettes, but they make great houseplants. In the springtime, coppertone sedum plants are adorned with blush-toned starry flowers.
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Tokyo Sun (Sedum Japonicum)
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These plants are cute, bright yellow succulents which grow in spreads across the ground. Sedum japonicum never get very tall. Tokyo suns have golden, star shaped flowering in the summer months and they stay pretty vibrant all year round but will fade to a more lime green shade if they don’t get enough sunlight.
Gold Bug (Sempervivum heuffelii)
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Gold bugs are vibrant succulents, showing reds, pinks, and gold tones in the colder months. Bright and consistent outdoor sunlight will allow these succulents to show their brightest yellow colors and maintain a tight rosette shape. Sempervivum heuffelii are resilient plants, surviving in the wintertime even under a layer of snow.
Japanese Golden Sedum (Sedum Makinoi ‘Ogon’)
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These stonecrops are native to Japan, typically growing in rocky valleys. The delicate look comes from small, glossy leaves. Sedum makinoi are easy to care for and frost hardy, remaining under 5 inches tall and thriving in partial to full sun.
Teddy Bear (Kalanchoe Tomentosa)
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These fuzzy guys are wonderful to look at and even to touch due to the soft layer of fuzz coating the cute, round leaves. These velvet succulents sport golden flowers in the spring and summertime and they can grow up to a foot long. Kalanchoe tomentosa are easy to care for, requiring infrequent watering. If you are looking for a cute and unique succulent to add to your collection, these babies may be perfect for you!
Sunset Jade (Crassula Ovata)
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These cute plants grow off a thick stem with bright yellow and burnt orange rounded leaves. In shade, Crassula ovata can pass for the common jade plant because the leaves fade to a dimmer, lime green color. With vibrant sunlight, the leaves keep up their intense and cheery yellow colors and make a perfectly spunky plant for your collection.
Paddle Plant (Kalanchoe Luciae)
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Paddle Plants are known for their unique flat, rounded leaves and they grow up to 6 inches wide. In the colder months, the blooms are pale-yellow and in the warmer months they intensify to even a blazing orange and red coloring at times. The contrast between the seasons makes Kalanchoe luciae interesting to own because you can watch as they shift over the months to complement different colors in your plant collection.
Golden Barrel Cactus - Echinocactus grusonii
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A beautiful succulent to include in your garden is the Golden Barrel Cactus. It’s bright yellow spines make these barrel cacti look like miniature suns dotted around your yard. They can grow in clumps up to six feet wide and the ribs of the cacti are very prominent. The cactus begins to lean towards the south or southwest as a way to help the spines protect the light green flesh beneath.
Gold Nugget Semipervivum
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If you are ready for a magic trick in your garden then you will want the Chick Charms ‘Gold Nugget’. This little beauty is usually a lime green during the summer months with reddish tips. Then, as the winter goes on, the plant becomes more and more yellow until it turns a bright gold while it still keeps the bright red tipped leaves.
Lady Fingers - Mammillaria elongata
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Lady Fingers are also known as Golden Stars or Gold Lace Cactus. These are very delicate lookining cacti with bright yellow spines much like the Golden Barrel Cactus. Instead of round and squat, lady fingers are longer and thinner like a noblewoman’s hand. These are not cold hardy cacti at all but they only require general succulent maintenance.
'Rum Runner' - Agave isthmensis
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If you are looking for a big pop of yellow color, then you definitely want to add this agave to your collection. Rum Runners are primarily yellow succulents with a large strip of yellow bordered by light green on each leaf. It can grow up to ten inches in diameter and maintains its color year-round. These are great statement pieces to add to your collection!
Sedum Acre ‘Gold Moss’
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The reason this species of perennial succulent is included, is because of it’s startlingly bright yellow flowers. Sedum is generally a ground cover type of succulent so adding these in a xeriscaped yard or even using them as a moss wall would be a great way to showcase their bright blooms. When they aren’t in bloom, Gold Moss is a beautiful deep green with small leaves and stems that get tangled in knots.
Weihenstephaner Gold sedum - Sedum kamtschaticum var. floriferum
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Sedum’s are great ground cover plants with vibrant blooms. Just like the Gold Moss, the Weihenstphaner Gold is another sedum with bright yellow flowers. Instead of single florets that form a blanket of color, the Weihenstphaner has taller stems with a cluster of yellow blooms that are tipped in a blood red color.
Crested Golden Maria - Echeveria agavoides
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Like many yellow variations of succulents, the Golden Maria turns yellow during the colder months of the year. As soon as a chill starts to form, you will find the thin, red tipped leaves of this Echeveria slowly turning to an intense buttery yellow. They will stay compact and smaller if you keep them in smaller pots which adds to their charm.
Fine Gold Leaf Stonecrop - Sedum hybrid
While not 100% yellow, the Fine Gold Leave sedum is a wonderful plant that thrives on hardly any water and it’s color is stunning. It’s a bright lime green that can, at times, look more yellow than green. It is an easy plant to care for with full sun requirements. This may be the exact accent plant that you have been looking for!
Golden Haworthia - Haworthia cymbiformis ssp. “gold”
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This hybrid is a selectively bred one that is hard to come by. The owner of the place where you can get this subspecies intentionally mentions that the haworthia can come in green, yellow, or orange. These three variations of cymbiformis are not what is found in the wild. If you are lucky, you can get a hold of a few bright yellow ones that look bright enough to be mistaken as lemon slices!
Golden Ball Cactus - Parodia leninghausii
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The Golden Ball cactus is completely different from the Golden Barrel cactus. Instead of short spines, the Golden Ball has longer hairy spines mixed with shorter spines. Instead of maintaining a distinct ball shape, they grow upwards and maintain a form that is similar to that of a teardrop cut in half. If you really want to test the beauty of a Ball Cactus, put the cactus in a larger pot or plant it directly in the ground. These babies get up to 24” tall and 4” wide.
Angelina Stonecrop - Sedum Rupestre
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Unlike other yellow succulents, the Angelina Stonecrop is yellow year-round except in northern climates: they start to turn orange! It is a perennial succulent that almost looks like lemony pine needles covering the ground. Each stem can grow several inches long and it does self-propagate which is why it is a wonderful ground cover.
Hummel’s Sunset Golden Jade - Crassula Ovata sp.
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This particular type of Jade succulent is a brilliant yellow with bright red tips. It grows into a shrub-like form which protects younger leaves and cools the ground beneath it. Ed Hummel is the man behind this hybrid which won the Award of Garden Merit in 1993. This award-winning Jade keeps true to its heritage: with strong limbs and a very forgiving temperament, this plant is perfect for anyone diving into succulents.
Golden creeping sedum - Sedum kamtschaticum
Sedum is a green succulent that is great for ground cover. They grow very quickly, and the best part about this species of sedum is the brilliant star-shaped yellow flowers. When this sedum is fully grown, the flowers create a thick, irresistible yellow blanket wherever you’ve planted golden creeping sedum. If you are looking for a no frills, easy to take care of ground cover with a bright splash of color, then you will want a few of these to grow and propagate.
What Are The Best Yellow Succulents?
There’s a reason yellow is known for being cheery, it’s the color of sunlight! If you want to add a little glow to your space, start collecting some cute yellow plants to spice up your garden and/or home. Looking for other colors that may compliment yellow succulents? Check out some of these other posts we've currated.
If you have any other favorite yellow succulents, comment them below and maybe we'll add them to this list. You can never have too many succulents, right?